This might sound a little more woo than I usually do … but did you know one of the places where your body stores stress and emotion is in your hips?
Maybe you've seen someone break down and cry a in yoga class?
Or maybe you have felt a surprising rush of emotions during a hip-opening stretch yourself?
That's because your hips are closely tied into your fight-or-flight response by way of your psoas (“so-as”) muscle. That's what connects your spine to your legs, and it’s activated when you’re in a stressful situation.
The problem that extends from this tidbit is that many people spend entire days sitting at a desk or on a couch, and most of the stress we encounter (like a work email!) doesn’t require us to run or fight (even if we feel like we want to!).
As we sit there instead of acting out that natural instinct, our hips hold on to the stress and with nowhere to go, the hips stay tight.
One solution? More hip-opening exercises!
By spending just minutes per day, even just a couple times per week, you can release some of that tension.

Here are a few exercises you can try:
● Pigeon pose: Sit on the floor with one leg bent in front, the other extended back, and gently fold forward, making sure to breathe. Hold this position for as long as feels comfortable (or at least 30 seconds). Be sure to always do both sides.
● Butterfly stretch: Sit on the floor, press the soles of your feet together, and gently push your knees toward the floor. Breathe deeply and release. The kids in my classes like to gently "flap their wings" (slightly bounce knees up and down).
● Hip circles: Stand with feet apart, knees slightly bent, and rotate your hips in large circles from the center out, switching directions after each set.
Once you try these, you might notice you even feel more energized, more spacious, and maybe even more grounded and relaxed.
Have questions or want to chat more about what flexibility exercises can do for you? Just hit my booking link and reserve a free 30 minute spot!
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